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Sides to Go With Roast Beef Sandwiches

Italian beef sandwiches, also known every bit Italian beef or Chicago-style Italian beef sandwiches, are a recipe for preparing beef in an Italian American entree.

Although this dish was invented in America, it is still love and consumed worldwide today.

These sandwiches from Chicago are served hot or cold, but they have acquired a very distinct taste both ways.

Like the popularity of Italian cuisine in America, at some point, Italian beef sandwiches also became popular in different parts of the world because of their unique flavor.

It is non surprising that there are 4 main components to this recipe: meat, seasoning, slow cooking, and giardiniera.

Nigh people don't recall about serving anything other than Italian beefiness sandwiches when they have friends or family over to visit, just it's ever nice to take something else.

In this article, nosotros will list different items that can be served with Italian beef sandwiches and some of the best choices.

Why Consider Serving Side Dishes for Italian Beef Sandwiches?

why consider serving side dishes for italian beef sandwiches

Italian beefiness sandwiches are a hearty and delicious repast that is perfect for sharing.

The sandwich itself contains very few vegetables and can exist rather heavy without anything to accompany information technology.

But this doesn't mean you take to serve the same things every time to your friends or family members, specially if they've already had Italian beef sandwiches before.

Another thing to consider is that everyone has their preference for food, which means each person may like different things.

This includes not only the main course but likewise side dishes.

What Types of Side Dishes Should You Consider?

what types of side dishes should you consider

When choosing side dishes for Italian beef sandwiches, there are several options to choose from.

Get-go, since this dish is Italian-inspired, many side dishes tin be used to compliment it.

For example, y'all could pair the beef with creamy polenta or some garlic bread for an accompaniment.

Yous can also serve beans or zucchini on the side of the sandwich if y'all'd similar, and they go very well with Italian recipes in general.

Another selection is to go with a salad equally this can be lighter and balance out the heaviness of the beef.

If you're looking for something very unique to serve, then consider having potatoes, every bit they tin give your dish an exciting twist.

What to Serve with Italian Beef Sandwiches? 7 All-time Side Dishes

what to serve with italian beef sandwiches best side dishes

Beneath is a listing of the peak seven best side dishes that yous can serve with Italian beef sandwiches.

Choose i or more items to serve with them and relish all the flavors.

ane – Roasted Vegetables

roasted vegetables

Roasted vegetables are very easy to make, and you can pick any vegetable that you like.

You don't take to stick with the ones listed beneath, just they go well with Italian beef sandwiches.

Some good options include eggplant, zucchini, sweet potatoes, potatoes, onions, and bell peppers.

To roast vegetables, cutting them into seize with teeth-sized pieces and toss them with some oil, salt, and pepper.

Roast them in the oven for around 25 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit or until they are browned to your liking.

If you want to add some extra flavor, sprinkle on some Italian seasoning or oregano before serving.

2 – Creamy Polenta

creamy polenta

Ane of the unique options for side dishes for Italian beef sandwiches is creamy polenta.

This dish consists of a creamy mixture formed into a business firm shape and and so cut into pieces.

It can be served plain, with a sauce or even in soup.

To make this dish stir together cornmeal, water, and salt in a pot on low estrus while constantly stirring to avoid sticking.

Continue stirring until the mixture thickens, and add milk slowly while continuing to start.

Add in some actress flavors such as garlic, herbs, and cheese if desired, and serve warm.

Information technology tin be served with beef for an exciting gustation.

3 – Garlic Bread

garlic bread

Garlic staff of life is some other unique side dish that you may want to consider pairing with Italian beef sandwiches.

This recipe consists of French or Italian breadstuff, garlic powder, butter, and Parmesan cheese.

Beginning by slicing the bread into pieces well-nigh half an inch thick and butter each slice on i side.

Sprinkle each slice with garlic powder and Parmesan cheese, then broil in the oven for about xv minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit or until gold brownish.

four – Hasselback Zucchini

hasselback zucchini

Hasselback zucchini is a unique side dish that can be served with Italian beefiness sandwiches.

This recipe consists of zucchini, olive oil, and Parmesan cheese.

Start by slicing the zucchini into thin pieces lengthwise downward to the stem but not cut through it.

Pour in some extra virgin olive oil, and then sprinkle Parmesan cheese and whatever other spices that you want on top.

Bake in the oven for effectually 25 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit or until the cheese turns gold brownish.

You tin can likewise add together some staff of life crumbs for extra flavor, and they will get crispy when baked.

5 – White potato Salad

potato salad

Potato salad is another interesting side dish that tin exist served with Italian beef sandwiches.

It consists of potatoes, onion, mayonnaise, and spices such every bit dill, mustard, or pickles.

To brand this dish boil the peeled potatoes for around 20 minutes or until they are tender.

While waiting for them to cook, mix the remaining ingredients in a separate bowl.

One time the potatoes are washed, cut them into cubes and mix them with the other ingredients.

This dish goes very well with Italian beef sandwiches as information technology is light enough to counterbalance some of the heaviness of the sandwich.

vi – Macaroni Salad

macaroni salad

Macaroni salad consists of macaroni noodles, mayonnaise, mustard, and various vegetables such as carrots or peas.

Information technology is a unique dish that tin can be served with Italian beefiness sandwiches.

Cook the macaroni until it is tender, then bleed and mix with the remaining ingredients in a basin.

This side dish goes well with Italian beef sandwiches considering of its creamy texture and light sense of taste.

You may want to serve it with some additional chives or bell peppers sprinkled on top for extra season.

vii – Creamy Risotto

creamy risotto

Risotto is a popular Italian dish consisting of rice that is slowly cooked and stirred with broth and cheese to grade a creamy texture.

To make flossy risotto, start by sautéing the onion in butter until it turns translucent, and so stir in the rice to glaze each grain with fat.

When the rice has become slightly translucent, add a small amount of the goop and continue stirring until captivated.

Go on this way until all of the goop has been used upwards and add in any other ingredients for extra flavors such equally cheese, meats, or vegetables.

Serve this dish warm with Italian beef sandwiches for a unique combination of flavors perfect for fall.


In decision, Italian beef sandwiches are one of the most versatile hot sandwiches that yous tin can make.

The ingredients used for this sandwich go well with many dissimilar side dishes, making it like shooting fish in a barrel to plan a meal for family and friends.

Don't forget to experiment by trying out some of these recipes or inventing your own.

They tin exist prepared in no fourth dimension and with minimal effort, and so there is no excuse not to effort something new.

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 10 minutes

Total Time 20 minutes


  • Roasted Vegetables
  • Flossy Polenta
  • Garlic Bread
  • Hasselback Zucchini
  • Potato Salad
  • Macaroni Salad
  • Creamy Risotto


  1. Choose your favorite recipe from the list of options.
  2. Organize all required ingredients and prepare a succulent meal in 30 minutes or less!


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